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Who we are and what we do


This is an ARCHIVE of major UC  Merced GSA activities, achievements and documents from 2005 through 2009.  


Refer to  http://sites.google.com/site/ucmgsa/ for new documents & information on everything pertaining to UC Merced GSA since September 2009, including  the updated GSA Travel Grant info, the Bylaws and the Constitution.


UCM Seal

WELCOME to the first offical website of the University of California Merced Graduate Student Association (GSA)!

The GSA represents the graduate student body of the University of California Merced (UCM). We work on graduate student issues and problems related to all aspects of student life at UCM. We establish communication and cooperation bridges between the administration and the graduate students at UCM.

Our members are the graduate students of UC Merced. Our officers are elected by the UC Merced graduate students every year in the early fall.

All officers serve on the GSA council voluntarily without any form of compensation.

We are independent from the UC Merced undergraduate government  (Associated Students of University of California Merced ASUCM).

All current and prospective UC Merced graduate students are encouraged to participate in GSA affairs and event.

Contact us @ ucmercedgsa.at.gmail.com

**Check out the new GSA website and wiki page for the most recent updates on GSA matters:  http://sites.google.com/site/ucmgsa/ 

**The new grad life website: http://gradlife.ucmerced.edu/


ANNOUNCEMENT: GSA conference reimbursement travel award

Remember to apply for the GSA Conference Travel Award offered every semester.  Reimbursements for meetings where you presented a poster/oral presentation as a first author will be provided by this award. Check your ucmerced.edu email box for announcements and updates on this matter from the GSA.


Please click on the link for the ‘Past Communications and Outcomes’ page at the top to learn about the accomplishments of the UC Merced GSA Councils before September 2009.


Website creator, content writer and administrator from  September 2006 to  September 2009 : Gyami Shrestha (GSA  Public Relations, Community Outreach and Academic Affairs Officer, elected 3 times for the period 2006-2009)

For updates from the new GSA officers after 2009, please follow the links below:



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Between the fifth day of November 2006 to that of 2007 , this site was viewed from the following places:

GSA page views till Nov 07


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